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"Historia de un Otoño" (An autumn story) was a poem i wrote in 2000.Today, I have decided to translate it to let people know about my poems in Spanish.

An Autumn Story

It was a gray autumn afternoon… it did rain
When I saw her pass before my eyes
Wearing a brown dress, black shoes, and her pain
That were fixing with the leaves that couldn’t rise
She was hiding her face with an umbrella of hopeless
And one shy smile that confessed her sadness
Through the curtain of teardrops she used to go endlessly
But her beautiful face always stayed in my mind lovely.

I asked many questions to myself going insane
Figuring out where she did come from
Her image will be with me as some
As that gray autumn afternoon when it used to rain
Days were gone hanging on the coldest wind
Expecting that raining day of meeting and silence
I haven’t seen her anymore, she´s gone with the winter’s welcome
Winter’s gone and spring has gone with no mercy
I just can see her face on the stars with no fantasy
Summer comes, and autumn holding its hand
Missing only the rain that brought her to this land…

It was a gray autumn afternoon… it didn’t rain
Among the dried leaf rug she was revealed in pain
A blue dress and a red hat she was wearing
When she came step by step to me while I was waiting
Her smiles was still taking her sadness on
An inner and lovely voice that didn’t lie to go on
It let me know it was a rose that used to be suffering

“I only walk this field on autumn”, she says
“Trying to weather the pain of love I use to feel”
“I know you used to wait for me coming with the rain”
“But the truth is, my life is dying with the leaf on my own… you’ll see
One love more than love promised me to come back to me”
“It has been my death between the coldness and rain”
She smiled at me… and she went… the rain did reveal
The autumn rain has come… but she never came back to me

How much cruel can love be I’m asking myself now?
Do we have to suffer if we wanna love and see the sun somehow?
That little girl died so close to the agony of autumn-winter
She died for love…. That love she thought it could be real later.

Bunden vers av Edgar John Jackson
Läst 222 gånger
Publicerad 2013-08-31 17:45

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Edgar John Jackson
Edgar John Jackson