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I used to see my life out of understanding
I used to clean my mind through revealing
I got mad, got sad and I got more than nothingness
Giving more and nothing in returns for happiness…

You could see my tears, running down through my face
You could see my faith, fading this image of place
I didn’t face

I used to have my hands full of emptiness
I used to be strong based on powerlessness
Now I see myself running away from this madness
That I called home, but it was just my weakness

Now you can see me rebuilding my consciousness
Now you can see me lingering from hardness
Suffering less

Now I stand my ground not expecting your approval
I live on my own out of acknowledgment
Taking my life to my safe place of removal
That mind takes me so far away at any moment

Fri vers av Edgar John Jackson
Läst 209 gånger
Publicerad 2013-01-09 17:26

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Edgar John Jackson
Edgar John Jackson