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The Haggard Sculpture.

It was a dark time of my life, I was 15. I'm not sure of the date, all I know is that it was a wednesday in november.
I'm not even sure today if it was a dream or a memory, what I do know is that my life changed that day...

It was a warm and colorful day, yet everything felt so cold and dark. Like so many times before I was walking the woods around my childhood home.
Still today I remember every trees shape and all the paths, holes and turns. But that day everything was unfamiliar and for the first time in my life I was afraid.
I wonder if I still would be scared today if I would've turned back that day, turned back to the little safety I had left in my life? But I did'nt and the truth is I dont regret it.

The lake in front of me was calm and still. But it was hiding something, something dark and ghastly. It was watching me from beyond the surface.
Chills started to float down my spine and there it was. There was the haggard sculpture from my dreams. I've never feared it before, but now I could hear her whispering voice in my head. Calling for me, begging for me to come.
Her eyes were as white as snow and ther were gazing straight into mine, reading my secrets like an open book. I was helpless, exposed to a stranger. A stranger that was'nt human, but still it was bleeding, crying.

Her torned arms were reaching after me and I did'nt try to escape, I did'nt want to run away. I was caught by her morbid beauty and she came closer and closer. I feared her but I wanted her, longed after her, begging for her to be mine. I saw in her eyes that she undertstood me, that she could feel my pleading.
Her embrace was as cold as ice and as beautiful as death, it was painful and yet wonderful.
I felt the end coming closer. Tho I did'nt want it to end, I wanted it to stay like this for an eternity.
Because after all she was my past and my future.
After all she was me...

Prosa (Novell) av Kaindra
Läst 341 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2010-08-23 21:56

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  Pot Pourri
http://www.lastfm.se/music/Haggard/+videos/+1-aHYkTEQHhAs - fick denna som en giv.. sen jag endast ögnat din novell och såg rubrikens "haggard". tack för en fin, som efter läsning, är mkt finare än så.. helgjuten.

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