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28 juli 2009


It's more than 3 years now.
The time we spent togheter seem to
drift further and further away, like
clouds on the wind.
All the memories slowly fades away like
footprints in the sand,
and I'm scared! So damn scared that I'll
forget everything, every wonderful memory...
I try so hard not to forget, but I lose a little
piece every day.

Sometimes it feels like in the end I wont
have any memories left...
But I will not let it happen, I will fight every
day to keep them!
Because I don't want to forget and die.
I want to remember and live!

Fri vers av Kaindra
Läst 294 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2009-07-29 13:13

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  Noomi Henning
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