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I would give my life for you
You don't know it, but it's true
You have so much more to do
A life more worthy living through

Better you instead of me
I will pay your price for free
Giving you a chance to flee
I am sure you will agree

When you leave this dreadful quarry
I know you will tell your story
It's your life and it's your glory
Make it ghastly, make it gory

Go and leave me here neglected
I can see you're unaffected

Though it's just what I expected
I can't help to feel rejected

Once again I must be strong
Never know what I did wrong
It feels like I don't belong
Your distress I won't prolong

When you're gone I'm all alone
Walking silent like a drone
Wish I had a heart of stone
Just like you upon your throne

But I did this for your sake
Though you're acting like a snake
It's a promise I can't break
I will live with this heartache

When the time comes you must still
Pay the final price of chill
I will wait upon a hill
I am only yours to kill

Then you'll be free, I'll be stray
It's the price that I must pay
Live your life now, day by day
Your memory of me will fade away

Bunden vers (Rim) av ElMosquito
Läst 285 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2011-09-27 12:58

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