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Nu var det länge sedan jag skrev nåt, så jag är väl lite ringrostig.

Hate is a feeling

The world is in danger
It's almost too late
Just walk past a stranger
And I feel the hate

The hate is a feeling
An everyday pain
I just want some healing
Break free from this chain

This chain is a cage
And it won't let me free
I'll be driven by rage
If it's who I'm to be

To be such a person
with this kind of mind
I know it will worsen
when people are blind

Are blind people happy
Then this could be why
I just feel so crappy
I can't shut my eye

My eye filled with tears
It's a secret I keep
I'm followed by fears
Though not in my sleep

My sleep is my shelter
The dreams are my light
In a world full of welter
I'll be ready to fight

To fight against hate
Or to fight side by side
I can't stand its weight
Though it has been my guide

My guide makes me weak
As well makes me strong
The answer I seek
Is why feelings are wrong

Bunden vers (Rim) av ElMosquito
Läst 230 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2012-01-23 00:55

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