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Frukter ar livet

Raw food. The word means food including only the food that grows in the nature and that you can eat without cooking. Food like fruits, vegetables and salads is part of raw food.

Without raw food, no life had been existing in this planet... in this Universum. Anyone would die from sickness; anyone wouldn\'t be able to protect its body from diseases because to do so they need living enzymes that they can receive by raw food but not from anything else... Cooked food provide only dead enzymes, no living ones.

If you\'re craving for something sweet, don\'t eat chocolate or your favorite candies... To crave for sweet is to crave for calcium, which means you need to eat fruits like strawberries. They provide a lot of calcium, and yeah they are yummy too, right? They are a lot healthier, too, for your knowledge.

In all, raw food is not the way of surviving - it is the way of life.

Övriga genrer av Pea
Läst 457 gånger
Publicerad 2006-01-13 04:48

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