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Rhymemusic-rqa-2011. Written by Roberto Quintero. Panama/Chitré - 2011 All rights reserved, © R.Q.A./Rhyme-music-2011 Copying without permission for non-personal use is forbidden. Chitré-Herrera-Panama

No meaning/No beginning

This is the power
This is the hour
This is the flower
That get me through the night.
This is the sky
Tears that I cry
This gets me high
This is turning off this light.

Someone has died
Someone's been born
Someone has lied
Running wild as the whitest unicorn.
Someone has sold
Someone has given up
Someone has told
More than time's cracked up.

Words have no meaning
In the hand of unconsciousness
Love has no beginning
In the heart of powerlessness.

This is the word
This is to be absurd
This is like a bird
Get me through the day.

Someone has to learn
Someone has to stay
Someone has to run away
Or cross the bridges we burn.

"Nobody wins
Something's ending
Something begins" 1
In the hand of teaching

1 Nothing really matters by Madonna and Patrick Leonard lyrics.

Fri vers av Edgar John Jackson
Läst 190 gånger
Publicerad 2012-04-21 04:42

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Edgar John Jackson
Edgar John Jackson