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Hear The Bells

Hear the bells with anxious groan
one small darkness encloses
tolls with echoes for devil's own
a tomb is raised without roses

Hear the bells, confirm they're true
is there a reason for sadness?
they might toll, perhaps not for you
the liquid devil brings madness

Hear the bells, contemplation o'clock
explore the soul and the mind
are you the key or are you the lock?
running in front or crawling behind?

Hear the bells with a cautious hope
respect the irreversible power
no-one is born at the end of the rope
a quarter past the eleventh hour

Hear the bells with yesterday passed
one small light exposes
the end of the tunnel, but not the last
tomorrow some fear disposes

Bunden vers av Paul Kedzie
Läst 142 gånger
Publicerad 2012-06-24 04:39

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Paul Kedzie