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Dark Angels

Dark, dark angels flying above you
ready to get you, claiming to love you
the latest fashion gets you running
out of your hole, into the mall...

...to the dark angels, to the dark angels...

You think you're free, but you're a fool
you're not hot, you're not cool
Lacoste a costly crocodile
like if money was The Nile
but we want...

...them dark, dark angels out of here
dark, dark angels shot to the ground
dark, dark angels down from air
no more dark angels around...

Try to beat time in a hopeless race
try to catch freedom in a endless chase
you say you are free, I know you're not
just a matter of the credit you got

Fri vers av Paul Kedzie
Läst 117 gånger
Publicerad 2012-07-02 08:22

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Paul Kedzie