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I take a deep breath
to inhale the essence of intensity in the air
as i try to figure out
what your next step will be
and how to be able
to be one step ahead
but your spontanity is close to insane
how you suddenly reveal yourself
The animal that eats you up
from inside
lurks in your gaze
eager to get more
the blood in my vains
hot like liquid fire
impatient to find out your next move
and so you move closer
with the grace of a cat
until i feel your breath on my neck
your soft
full lips
as you start nipping down
i could have killed myself
for giving in so easily
knowing the pain that will come after
but i love the bittersweet
the pain
that tingles in my skin
the way your hands
leave marks on my skin
and ill let you beat me submissive

Fri vers av gömd
Läst 268 gånger och applåderad av 5 personer
Publicerad 2013-01-09 15:57

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