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Straight To Hell With A Rancid Yell

water water water water water I desire
some parents house is on fire
slowly the house gonna burn to the ground
the neighbourhood will watch
without a sound
will someone be a witness?
please tell me that they're crazy
no they won't
no they can't
they're busy or lazy
booting up and shooting up
and bring on the brightness
see the son of god is coming up
and there is a likeness:
The Mirror!
the lunacy, the misery is showing
when you're brought up
and you're caught up
in a system that is going
Straight to hell boys
the common man doesn't suffer pain like this
only the soul that's cursed with bliss
so let us adore our beautiful son
he's riding on the rivers of Babylon
booting up and shooting up
and bring on the brightness
see the son of god is coming up
and I see a likeness:
The Mirror!
the lunacy, the misery is showing
when you're brought up
and you're caught up
in a system that is going
Straight to hell boys

Fri vers (Fri form) av Paul Kedzie
Läst 146 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2013-05-03 23:48

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Paul Kedzie