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Good Morning Stockholm

Wake up
you're in Stockholm again
a solid line that never ends
I got storys to tell you'll never believe
and I know it,
I wear it,
under my sleeve
must be something about you
that I like
but right here in this rain
you know, it just don't seem right
I always go out
I never hide
but in Stockholm
should've stayed inside
justify my love for you
and I know it runs deep
through your body too
you can rob my heart
and don't get a dime
might be nine
cents in these pockets of mine
you can take my body
and my time
but you can't take my soul
it's in the city behind

good morning Stockholm
you're like a cropzone/dropzone
for my homegrown

Fri vers (Fri form) av Paul Kedzie
Läst 139 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2013-05-03 23:52

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Paul Kedzie