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© Wordwarrior \'06

: You

I am the living evidence

Of a perfect plan

Of an exciting journey

Of loveliness, loneliness,

Longing, seeing, feeling,

Hearing, touching: you.

I am the walking arrow

Pointed at the neverending end

The unfailing heartbeat

Pounding at the door

To my next life, next light

Once more meeting: you.

I am the never learnt lesson

Of childhood, of every mistake

Gladly trampling away

Blundering into pathways

Of sorrow and deceit

And soaring heavens of: you.

Fri vers av Wordwarrior
Läst 513 gånger
Publicerad 2006-03-01 15:41

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"Walking arrow" and "never learnt lesson", how truly it fits right where human race stands. This was a comlete journey.. With a private approach. Thank you.
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