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Dialogue between two souls that decide to return to the physical and do this "life" thing one more time... maybe.

Fuck it! I'm goin' in...!

let's just go!
It'll be over
before we know!

But the horrors
and the cold!
Should i mjau
or stand up tall?

Just jump
then decide!
Doesn't matter
a life is a life!

But I need
to get it right
Don't want struggle
on this ride!

But the struggle
is the fun!
We expand
when all comes undone!

Well, fun and expansion
is the reason...
I'll see you down there
in a bit then.

See you in few year
or so!
We'll be back here again
before we know!!!

No wait!!!!
Where you gonna go....?!!
Damn it...
once again alone...


Fri vers (Spoken word/Slam) av Billie My
Läst 273 gånger och applåderad av 5 personer
Publicerad 2017-03-06 02:33

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Billie My
Billie My