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Polaroids/instax mini instant pictures of me photographed by Daniel Norin as cover-art to my lyrics below. Also, audio track preformed and written by me (don't know if it's hearable). This piece of poetry is about love... but.. then again... what isn't


Im up to something
but it's up to you

If you want to join me
if you're in the mood

Cause I am reckless
and somewhat rude

This may be wrong
but I speak the truth

Im up for something
but it's up to you

If you want to join me
if you're in the mood

cause I am restless
and curious too

especially when I'm
with you.

Fri vers (Fri form) av Billie My
Läst 171 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2017-10-21 19:21

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Billie My
Billie My