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Dry eyes.

Stillness of night,
vivid thoughts fully alive
sorting through recent memories
none of them bright, erased smiles
you think you will die,
breaths burning
stomach turning

babygirl dry your eyes
babygirl dry your eyes
no use, no more fight or flight
freedom from the terrors
of the darkest mind

The words count as nothing,
the eyes blackened as you watched me
begging like a dog, please please you need something more, but not you and I
I stopped begging the night I saw you die

babygirl dry your eyes
babygirl dry your eyes
no use, no more fight or flight
freedom from the terrors
of the darkest mind
babygirl dry your eyes
nothing is worth this
it is all in his mind
babygirl dry your eyes
no bruise on his ego
no body to find
babygirl dry your eyes
and put on your smile

Fri vers av Krankenhaus
Läst 175 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2020-09-14 00:50

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