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I was at the ocean floor walking around
holding my breath, no talking allowed
I loved it here alone, in a blue forgotten and unexplored world, i could walk for days and never want to return
lungs filled with air, that would not run out

The rumbling of a calm sea below echoed on rocky walls where fish hide, sleep and eat,
away from the bigger ones,
dark as night, no light in sight
a stillness danced in my hair, back and forth in the lullaby sung by the waves
I am not scared

Something ominous caught my eye
a stiffness so crooked, a lifeless shadow pulled slowly towards me by the current
standing steady with my bare feet digged down
I am scared now

Stoically watch it come closer towards me, shivers down my spine,
a piece of driftwood long as my arm
hits my chest, digging it's way in,
I lost my air, still standing, it got through the skin, I let it pierce my ribs,
I accepted my faith

My screams woke up the fish,
they swarm like wasps
smoked out from their hive
this piece of pointless wood
started a underwater fire, a fierce force that should not be played with, the sea is boiling, my hair flailing, let chaos reign this will never subside

This piece of driftwood, made me the storm i am within. And the ocean is yet the blue in my eyes.

Fri vers av Krankenhaus
Läst 153 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2020-10-08 03:25

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