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Senior Anna

Nowadays, Kalyani, an one-eyed black dog(Female) gives her company, every workday. She responds with affection, yet keeps a fair distance. Once, she said to her , ”Pretty little dog, you are so loyal and innocent. Yet I must follow social distancing because I had an aunt I never met. Rabies took her without warning. Not only her but also her first-born. ” I could feel the longing in her Voice. And asked, ”What was her name?” ”Rosa”, she chimed. I sighed, ”Amma, no wonder you call me your Ammai! (English translation: Father’s sister)

Perhaps this’s the origin of Rose in my name: mummy’s aunt Rosa.

As for Rosa’s life, rabies couldn’t annihilate her creation from earth completely. George (her first- born), Rosa herself and their petdog succumbed to rabies. However, her new-born baby Baby was safe within loving arms of the Senior Anna, Rosa’s Amma.

Ninety years ago, it was quiet common for mothers & daughters to go to labour, hand in hand. Anna with Ittikalan and Rosa with Baby. The timing of the tragedy coincided with Senior Anna’s last childbirth. It is said that after the tragedy, Anna breast fed both babies- Ittikalan & Baby.

Now, nature took both of them away from earth, Ittikalan in 2022 & Baby in 2024. We are the third generation of what is left of Senior Anna.

Fri vers av rp222kk
Läst 21 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2024-06-09 08:40

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