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Ring, ring...

There was a time
when we didn´t talk
I made you mad
I made my self sad

Some days went by
I didn´t tried
to ring your phone
to ring your home

Ring, ring on my telephone
You were so sad
At that time I act bad
But then you were glad

Two days later
Kissing in a bed
Hug eachother
Loved so lovley

That time passed by
And now I´m tired
You´ve said it
Now I am...

Saing Goodbye...

You are thinking
What I youst to thought
Ring, ring my telephone
Ring, ring my telephone

Now I´m gone
I ain´t coming home
Now I´m gone
I ain´t coming home

Fri vers av Inget namn
Läst 487 gånger
Publicerad 2005-01-27 22:53

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