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Oh Father

I\'m on the borderline
falling down, down, down
Don\'t know what to hold on to
Oh my Father, why you?

You say I have to learn
but I don\'t know where to turn
When it feels like I\'m falling
when I\'m back on my knees crawling

Crawling back up
just to find nothing at all
Crawling back up
just to remember why I fall

I\'d say anything to make it go away, I would
And I\'d confess any secrets if I could
I don\'t want to think, I don\'t want to feel
If I don\'t remember it\'s not real.

Crawling back up
just to find nothing at all
Crawling back up
just to remember why I fall

I\'m on the borderline
falling down, down, down
Why didn\'t you see
what he did to me

Some say there\'s a heaven above
But I just keep on falling down

Fri vers av SuzieQ
Läst 475 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2007-02-07 09:23

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Väldigt starkt! Gillade verkligen \"crawling back up just to remember why I fall\"... Otäckt, men för ofta en verklighet.
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