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What if?

What if?
If those small child haven\'t destroyed,
another boys self-confidence.
Probably he would have a normal life,
Without tears, without the mental pain.

What if?
If that beautiful girl haven\'t crushed,
this litle boys heart.
Probably he would have a normal life,
without the blooddrops, without the scars

What if?
If nothing of this things haven\'t happened.
Probably his parents would have a normal life,
without teras, without the pain, without a stone as a memmorie of their son.

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Läst 291 gånger
Publicerad 2007-07-01 01:37

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Jag gillade det här, dock några få grammatiska fel men det gör inget, man fattar det ändå, den är underbart sorglig!
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