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inspiration från Robert Tepper - there's no easy way out

There's no easy way

There's no easy way out,

just try to be strong,
you have nowhere to hide,
we can't run from our minds,
sometimes we have to turn back,
and stand toe to toe with our demons inside,

There's no shortcut home

Got to stay focussed,
'cause you are to far from home,
you're not alone,
though the distance is far from short,
let us walk the road and beat the darkness,

We don't have any easy roads in life.

But we got the choice to stand up and fight,
together we can make our way home,
we'll never give in and cry,
'cause you and me got each other,
so let us give our best to make an easy life.

Fri vers av vete
Läst 320 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2009-02-25 19:43

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