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[vers 1]
I walk my way of destiny
all by myself
I feel the pain of my old misstakes
want to turn around

Can you feel my pain
it comes from inside
can you feel it
all from my mind

[vers 2]
all I see is greif
I want to feel the joy
but I can\'t find the light
please stop push me through this

Can you feel my pain
it comes from inside
can you feel it
all from my mind

[vers 3]
all my joy is gone
and still you don\'t help
do you like to torture me
and see me wade in sorrow

Can you feel my pain
it comes from inside
can you feel it
all from my mind

Fri vers av vete
Läst 250 gånger
Publicerad 2007-09-02 21:30

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