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All rights reserved, © Edgar John Jackson/Rhyme-music-2007. Copying without permission for non-personal use is forbidden.

Getting high or we just fall

Time has passed through our hands
it’s what my soul understands
Medical advances change one heart
But we know love is not apart.

Children crying through a white wall
People getting into a forced rest
Words are never at all
To accept it in a test
Getting high or we just fall.

People are running day and night
People crying with no light
You feel U can’t escape once from it
Sad eyes around when you don’t wait it. ooohhh

Questions always come and go endlessly
When advances are perfectly
The answer to make our dreams come true
Faith in God it’s what we do
Touching it so tenderly…

Beautiful faces what we can see
White teeth in a perfect smile
But it’s for a while
When we can not be
Born through advances we’ll see…

Life can be changed in people’s hands
When we trust everybody understands
To see face to face in a mirror
We’re the same so deep inside
And we escape from our terror
Of being humans… through advances by our side…

And it’s getting high or we just fall
‘Coz it is not at all
Behind this white wall…

It’s when you live or you die
Saying hello or good bye
Getting high or we just fall
It’s the truth we can’t lie
Getting high or we just fall.

Fri vers av Edgar John Jackson
Läst 232 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2007-11-25 15:21

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Edgar John Jackson
Edgar John Jackson