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All rights reserved, © Edgar John Jackson/Rhyme-music-2007. Copying without permission for non-personal use is forbidden.

Don\'t say

Don’t say
You love me so deep inside
Don’t say
I must understand more
Don’t say
Your love is what I’ve denied
Don’t say
It’s the same as it was before.

You fence me in
To have me somehow
But I’ve given in
Leaving you here now.

Many tears water my heart from you
I know you need me, but I need me more
I can’t stand my ground for you
No anymore…

I will be free as the sun and moon
But lighting right outside your window
Maybe you won’t see me tomorrow
But if you need me I will come soon…
So soon…

Don’t say
Things ‘coz it will be absurd
Don’t say
Fantasies ‘coz it is just one more word.

Fri vers av Edgar John Jackson
Läst 271 gånger
Publicerad 2007-12-18 13:01

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Edgar John Jackson
Edgar John Jackson