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All rights reserved, © Edgar John Jackson/Rhyme-music-2007. Copying without permission for non-personal use is forbidden. Chitré-Herrera-Panama

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Proud of being on earth as I am and as I do,
I write out of the blue
Being the one and I am, it is how I go on
Edgar John Jackson
That’s how my emotions I hold on.

I’ve written through the time
To make my emotions climb
Beyond those comments that hurt me and bury me so deep
False truths when I sleep
Broken dreams to cry
But I stand my ground, through my poems that I always write
It is just to see the light
Getting really so high
To those who criticize what I’ve learned and got planned
No reasons to me, to make you understand.
I’m what I live without faith in your holy land.

Going back to me
Where I find to see
It is just me
What I wanna show
No matter if I walk or run it’s just where I go
Inspirations show me those skies
Where tears have no reasons to believe in lies
I see myself growing stronger through my own eyes
No ways to doubt
I leave them out
To those who really understand that my soul flies.

Fri vers av Edgar John Jackson
Läst 228 gånger
Publicerad 2007-12-23 04:11

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Edgar John Jackson
Edgar John Jackson