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have I ever told you...

have I ever told you...
how much I love you?
have I ever told you...
that only you can make me smile?

Baby, sometime must be the first,
I\'ve keept it in my mind for a long time now,
it\'s time to let it out,
and tell you how I feel,
or atleast try...
cause the feeling I have,
is kind of complicated to explain,
I can only tell,
It\'s the first time I feel so good,
and it feels so real,

Baby, this was just a part of it,
and I\'m \'bout to continue,
cause the way you make me feel,
it is so...
I don\'t know what to say...
but even if you hate me,
I can never stop love you,
\'cause you\'ve made me so...
what\'s the word?
happy... hum, Yeah I think that\'s the word.

Baby, I hope you understand,
\'cause I\'ve really tried now,
it was not easy,
but it feels so good now,
when I finally told you...
\'cause you\'re really everything to me,
you\'ve made me smile so many times,
oh... and baby... do never forget...
that I love you

Fri vers av vete
Läst 381 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2007-12-24 00:45

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