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All rights reserved, © Edgar John Jackson/Rhyme-music-2007. Copying without permission for non-personal use is forbidden. Chitré-Herrera-Panama


To the beat of my heart for you
Where I need you
What I really long…

Belong, to the tears when you‘re not here
This voice I hear
This is my own fear…

Look at me now
And you will see in me somehow
How much I love you and that much is true
And what I do
Is for your long

To where I really have you here in me
To where I long to make you happy forever
‘Coz when I have you in me
I love you more than ever
You’re the one I long…
Believe me as I believe in you
‘Coz you’re the soul so deep in me
Nothing compares to you when I have you
This is what I long
To make you feel and live
For this I give…
When I gotta get close to you…

Now you can belong
To my dream to hug you so strong
Now you can be sure to long
Where you belong…

I’ll write in the sky what I feel in me to make you live
Don’t be afraid of crying where you’re here with me
Didn’t you give
More than I can see?
Just belong…

I know it’s you where I belong
To be loved just by you
Don’t I know you?
Don’t you belong?

Fri vers av Edgar John Jackson
Läst 239 gånger
Publicerad 2007-12-25 18:33

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Edgar John Jackson
Edgar John Jackson