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This poem belongs to my first book \"Stepped\" All rights reserved, © Edgar John Jackson/Rhyme-music-2006. Copying without permission for non-personal use is forbidden. Chitré-Herrera-Panama

Being ok

I wanna see the light through the wall
That wall she built between her and me
She seems too far when I want her at all
But she hurts with any word she says to me
And every step I take is a mistake
‘Coz she’s the only one who makes things right
No matters what dream I have, she does break
By turning off my own light…

Mom, I’m your son … I ain’t your foe
As you see me everywhere I can go
You hurt me so deep, but you don’t know
‘Coz all my tears and pride I swallow
And I need to be strong to find a day
Being ok…

Nobody is perfect you need to learn
But any bridge I need to go ahead you burn
You want me to be as usually you are
But I’m me and it makes me run away and far
I’m supposed to love you but I put up my guard
I want to wake from this nightmare ‘coz it’s hard.

You have lost my trust
And my soul comes back to dust
I won’t be at your feet anymore
Don’t try to be looking for
‘Coz I won’t be as I was before.

Fri vers av Edgar John Jackson
Läst 244 gånger
Publicerad 2007-12-31 03:38

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Edgar John Jackson
Edgar John Jackson