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A Snowhill At The End Of Her Street

He can\'t move
She won\'t...

He\'s digging for some shelter tonight
A snowhill at the end of her street

Like when they were kids, you know
He liked her way back then

That night he felt so alone
Hope they won\'t cover him up

Snow fills his lungs
As he tries to scream her name

She wakes up perspiring, and can\'t sleep again
Her bestfriend never made it through

How could they\'ve known
Don\'t blame them

White turns to black and then even whiter
In the hunt for life
maybe the sun will show off

Outside it\'s pouring
She\'s trying to find out

He can\'t move
She won\'t...

Fri vers av Juneau
Läst 739 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2008-01-24 21:54

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