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Dark sun rising

You touch me deep, a darkly glowing sun
begins to surge and stir within, below
unskied horizons, distant rumbling guns
at unseen thresholds, like a magma flow
or predawn swells that warn of tides a-run.
Dark, red, pulsating, urging sun and blood
the rising gathers force, a flaming ball,
a wild, imperious, purple-bounded flood.

And deep in you, our heaven, expanding still,
gongs back your siren dew-drenched dawn-vale\'s call.
Her narrow gates cling tight, but yielding thrill
to rampant risen sun, and frame his rise—
gold, rubies, jet—and all our world is filled
with darkest noon, unbounded radiant skies.

Fri vers av Xjy
Läst 198 gånger
Publicerad 2008-01-30 13:28

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