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My sweetest Rose, we rush through life at full
tilt, rarely feel the motion - stasis rules!
It\'s uniform velocity, no call
to notice pace when we\'re in lockstep. Fools!
We think we\'re all together in a hall,
a-dancing, feasting, yeah, or bored to tears.
But god when pallid Death comes knocking - oh! -
we feel the awful Empty, see our fears

lit up in one great blinding flash of Night.
We see ourselves in lifts of glass, one soul
per lift, so close, in parallel, in sight
and touch. Death stops your lift - and stops my heart.
Receding you fly back, Death holding tight
and still, so still. And Life tears us apart.

Fri vers av Xjy
Läst 349 gånger
Publicerad 2008-04-12 18:20

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