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You and Me up in the atmosphere?

Girl you\'re so beautiful,
you\'re the treasure I found in the end of a rainbow,
I want to walk towards the sunset with you by my side,
can\'t we just lay on the clouds up in the atmosphere?

But maybe you don\'t want you and me up in the sky,
maybe there\'s someone else in your mind,
someone else holding you in his arms,

There\'s just one thing that matters,
and it\'s that you\'re happy,
\'cause the smile on your lips makes my world shine,
and it will always do,
even though I have to watch it from a distance,
while you laugh with someone else,

I\'ll always love you girl,
hope you\'ll do the same.

Fri vers av vete
Läst 374 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2008-02-03 00:50

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