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Heart and mind

Decisions draw blood if they\'re real, elate
our minds, and, landing body punches, rock
us to the core. With sobered eyes we gauge
the road ahead, committed, taking stock…
The dithering\'s done. The outcome\'s gonna shape
our lives for good - or bad! This, Caesar knew.
He cast the die, and crossed his Rubicon.
His goal was Rome. My goal is life, and you.

Your goal? Oh, honey, ask your heart and mind,
and take the time to hear them out! I\'ve gone
too hard against both mine before to find
a path for yours. Your body\'s deepest song
will resonate. Attuned, your real heart, blind,
deep-pulsed, will clear your mind and make it strong.

Fri vers av Xjy
Läst 217 gånger
Publicerad 2008-02-05 10:53

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