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Jag hade Catullus XI i huvudet när jag skrev den här dikten - jag återger den starkaste strofen nedan på latin o engelska (min översättning).

Love hurts… (For Catullus—thanks!)

So now this new guy\'s in your life—that\'s cool.
This David who you loved online last year
but let you rot. He spurned your love—the fool!
But now he\'s crawling back to claim you, dear,
to bask in your sweet smile , to hear you call
him honey. Good. This shows us what you think
is love. And who\'s to say you\'re not the judge?
Not me, a jealous rival left to stink.

Our soft caresses, love, don\'t matter now.
I stroked your neck and throat, you didn\'t grudge
me that when trapped in living death. But how
things change! You left your hell - and me, your toy.
Now Dave\'s your squeeze; arms, thighs and cunt allow
him in. Go break his balls. You\'re free. Enjoy.


[Catullus XI

cum suis vivat valeatque moechis,
quos simul complexa tenet trecentos,
nullum amans vere, sed identidem omnium
ilia rumpens;

Let her live and thrive with her debauchees,
three hundred at once, so close embracing,
truly loving none, she\'ll grind them all till their
balls are all broken]

Fri vers av Xjy
Läst 195 gånger
Publicerad 2008-02-06 20:18

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