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All rights reserved, © Edgar John Jackson/Rhyme-music-2008. Copying without permission for non-personal use is forbidden. Chitré-Herrera-Panama

You don\'t need to convince me when I ...

I still remember
When we were lost through the night
We did not envision this love deeper
Whispering words on our shoulder
Turning off the light
Begging more it’s what I miss
Now you’ve gone so far
And where you are
I can’t reach to love you again
I fall down on my knees and then
I can remember
(Do you remember?)
Words … we promised to be
Now I want to see
If you turn back to me
Loving more as you said to me.

I felt your body on mine
You just could cross this unlimited line
You break my rules and lie
You don’t need to convince me when I
I’m ready to be taken so high…

You had control on me, didn’t you?
I had no mind to speak
I surrendered close to you
I feel weak
You gave me more than strength now
There’s no been a reason somehow
I’m yours… God only knows it
And you know you have more than it…
Don’t stop holding me tight
As a ray of light
(Turn off the light)
Make me be outta mind
Make me not want to find
‘Coz I have the world close to you
I’m up to you.

Each night says how much I
Belong to your heart
I can’t let you apart
‘Coz you’re the one I can rely…

Fri vers av Edgar John Jackson
Läst 247 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2008-02-12 04:44

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wonderful written

Hi Edgar John, I sure do read your texts if I find them,
they are so lovingly written, enjoyable!
Hope you are well,
regards from Sweden,
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Edgar John Jackson
Edgar John Jackson