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Love\'s sweet strokes

Oh, let me touch you, Rose... My fingertips
move softly over cheeks and neck, your throat
is naked, raised to meet my hand and lips.
On these caresses, love\'s sweet strokes, you float,
I lift your breast, squeeze gently, kiss your nipps.
I kiss away the sad hot dew of salt
that fills your eyes, then let my slow hand\'s slide,
caress your waist and hips, your belly\'s vault.

I drag my fingernails to lightly sketch
a pattern of desire on back and thigh,
and trace the curve of your behind. You catch
your breath. I sense the tiger\'s hidden crouch,
and lightly brush her dark-ferned lair. You stretch,
and sighing elongate upon the couch.

Fri vers av Xjy
Läst 168 gånger
Publicerad 2008-02-12 22:46

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