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Take that!

Goddammit, Rose, I trusted in our love,
It felt so deep, I feel you felt the same.
No need to tie you down or try to shove
great pledges down your throat. But now the game
is Double Dump. You left and lied, my dove.
I\'m blind! I blink, and your decision\'s done.
The wedding\'s planned! You\'re with him! Got his ring!
Leaping ash to fire, ice to scorching Sun.

You know what\'s needed now. This rage must find
an out. It poisons love with caustic sting.
The only cure\'s Cyclopean bouts of blind
eruptive vengeance. On your knees! The belt\'s
unloosed. My heart\'s in shreds. Bare, sweet behind,
take that! And that! And share love\'s bleeding welts.

Fri vers av Xjy
Läst 224 gånger
Publicerad 2008-02-17 23:53

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