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Sweet Rose, the lash I whipped you with, those words
of pain, ache now. My consolation\'s in
your smile, your voice, your touch, and not the turds
I flung in chimplike rage. Love, you\'re my twin,
for good or bad, and though it sounds absurd,
I know you\'re seized by warmth and hope, a flood,
a buoyant stream of joy that sweeps you on
to your new life, a tide of seething blood.

At times it\'s swept me off, and left a trail
of broken victims on the banks. My wan
embraces, their sad smiles - a wintry pale
abyss between us good will couldn\'t close.
It\'s cruel, implacable, we\'re bound to fail.
And yet… Stroke, whisper, smile, and hold me, Rose!

Fri vers av Xjy
Läst 184 gånger
Publicerad 2008-02-26 23:26

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