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On the beach

Do you remember, Rose, when first we met,
we found an evening beach with no-one else,
whose soft white sand caressed our feet and let
us cool our beer. We breathed in all the smells -
palms, grass, sea - naked, watched the fiery net
of stars trace heaven as my fingers traced
your breast and belly, round behind, and throat.
Eyes, bodies, hands, the night, no rush, amazed

we felt the soft warm tidal surge of blood
engulf us, float us to a vast plateau.
Like Ararat that high after the flood
bore up bold Noah and his ark of pro-
creation. Starting new, this world was good,
two lovers, deep light, energy and hope!

Fri vers av Xjy
Läst 222 gånger
Publicerad 2008-03-19 18:19

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