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Sunt lacrimae rerum (For Wilhelm Reich)

Like the earth, deep down I have a molten core
of freedom, love, equality. A crust
on top, a thin veneer to reassure
you that I\'m nice, can smile, \"please pass the trust!\"
Slash through this skin, you\'ll glimpse beneath the raw
red flesh a mantle, hellish, shifting, plates
tectonic, vast blind juggernauts that smash
implacable, as tensions mount and fates

exult and flog each conflict-driven rock
into its neighbour. Contradictions clash,
and insides ripped apart, a deep hard shock
spreads pain and chaos. Blood tsunamis sweep
our shores, and envy, vengeance, hatred mock
deep Love and surface Nice. It is to weep.

Fri vers av Xjy
Läst 246 gånger
Publicerad 2008-03-20 16:33

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  Larz Gustafsson VIP
\"Contradictions clash\"

Brilliant. I love that one.

Ever heard of John Cooper Clarke by the way?

  lodjuret/seglare VIP
Jack the ripper vid sin flygel
Beethoven med sin kniv
Renoir i sin bygel
Bayard och sin pensels driv

Svan som hanterat en racket
Borg på flykt i spåret
Ramel skrev ej om packet
Strindberg sjöng av sig håret
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