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To a coy virgin - to take much of time (For L)

Your sentimental education, dear,
is quite a charge! There are so many ways
to grapple Love, but floor Her? None! I fear
my other L\'s approach, head on, her days
at sixteen filled with Serge, to you\'d appear
unrealistic. M, perhaps, whose flame
was trapped in technical virginity
till twenty-three, until an old guy came

to her relief? Well, no. The only guide
is you. Sicilians say \"La porta si
apri di dentro\" - opens from inside.
So take your time. Ignore the guys whose seed
pours blind - no flash-flood fucks! Relax. The tide
is strong, will lift you, float you warm and free.

Fri vers av Xjy
Läst 251 gånger
Publicerad 2008-03-21 23:47

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