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[Kula is a village in rural Vojvodina, north of Novi Sad, on the road to Hungary]

Dance in Kula

We spent that wintry day at Marko\'s yard.
I chopped some wood, the cauldron on the fire
was full of beans and meat. It wasn\'t hard
to feel anticipation in the air
as others came and, lowering their guard,
cheered up the run-down office. Rakija
and beer began to warm us and we sang
old songs. Laughed. Wept for Jugoslavija . .

The food was good - how not! To end the day
we found ourselves in Kula, just our gang.
The barmaid plied us well, the music played
and Lil and me, not touching, did a dance
that made the film guy shiver just to gaze -
rapt, shaken, shocked by our ecstatic trance.

Fri vers av Xjy
Läst 248 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2008-03-25 11:58

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