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All rights reserved, © Edgar John Jackson/Rhyme-music-2008. Copying without permission for non-personal use is forbidden. Chitré-Herrera-Panama

This is just me

[It’s not your glory
It’s not your story]

And it’s not your glory [I’m so sorry]
It’s not your story [This is just me]
Don’t you want to see? [I’m not sorry]
I’m not your gay; don’t hang your shit on me. [This is just me]

You say stories ’bout me making people confused ‘round
You judge me ‘coz I prefer to stand my ground
[It’s not your glory; it’s not your story]
You want me to read tabloids while I read E. A. Poe
You want to silence me wherever I go
[It’s not your glory; it’s not your story]

If I want to kiss a boy
Ooops! I didn’t know it’s not a F.P. toy
[I’m not sorry]
If I want to F*** a lady and more
Ooops! I have to get married days before
[I’m not sorry]

You want me to have faith in what I don’t see
You want me to speak with your dirty way
[It’s not your glory; it’s not your story]
You bury me with stories making people see
But take your comments and get away
[It’s not your glory; it’s not your story]

If I did break all your rules
Ooops! I didn’t wanna be part of your tools
[It’s not your glory; it’s not your story]
If I have my own point of view
‘Coz I did not wanna talk about you
[It’s not your glory; it’s not your story]

Fri vers av Edgar John Jackson
Läst 242 gånger
Publicerad 2008-04-18 04:13

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Edgar John Jackson
Edgar John Jackson