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way to heaven

Your name is like an echo between my heartfragments,
It\'s keeping me going,
as I drive by the freeway,
searching for what I\'ve lost,
a long time has gone since I took my last breath,
haven\'t sleeped since I made my promise to find you again,
though it has been a year I\'m not giving up,
I don\'t know the way ahead, but the way home is far to long,

my shattered heart is barely pumping,
and I\'m falling apart, piece by piece,
so I hold on to the only thing that can make it okey,
but the clock is ticking, and soon another sleepless year has come and gone,
and still I\'m standing alone holding a memorie,
the memorie of me and you,
I can hardly breath,
since I can\'t find the way to heaven.

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Läst 357 gånger
Publicerad 2008-05-29 13:11

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