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Detta skrev jag när jag tog hallucinationsframkallande droger, mestadels gräs. Har en liten skön twist på slutet.


Reality has turned to dream.
Dreamworld has become reality.
This reality is to unreal to be true.

I can\'t wait to go to sleep, to walk away from this.
In the morning, I can\'t wake up...
or should I say \"I can\'t go to sleep\"?

Where is this? Where am I REALLY?
Why is this real?
Why can\'t this dreamland be like my imagined reality?

There is only one way to differ these two worlds,
\'cause reality lifts of where it ended last time you fell asleep.
Dreams doesn\'t.
Reality has a storyline.

I don\'t like the author.
And perhaps he doesn\'t like me either.

Fri vers av Gagge
Läst 329 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2008-06-06 01:25

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