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Time Stops

Somewhere in the middle of all
time stopped, and I began to fall.
Towards the bottom of my mind I fell,
what I might find there I couldn\'t tell

I didn\'t hurt myself when I hit the ground,
nothing but fog was what I had found
But there in the mist you appeared
you stood and stared at me like I was wierd.

But suddenly your face bursted out in smile,
I smiled back and there we stood for a while.
Don\'t know how much time I spent there,
it didn\'t matter, I felt no fear.

I went back to the real time and place,
though inside of me I could still see your face.
I wondered if you were thinking of me aswell,
that would be good as hell!

Fri vers av Gagge
Läst 431 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2008-06-14 20:52

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