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Jag hade tappat mitt mål, visste inte vart jag var på väg. Skrev ner känslan. jag hade även blivit nikotin-beroende här.

Freeway Towards What?

I\'m on this freeway towards whatever is there.
Going forwards with no intention of stopping.
A flat tire won\'t slow me down.
Not even lack of gasoline slows down the speed.
I don\'t know what lane I\'m supposed to be in.
There\'s cars all over the freeway, but at the same time, it\'s all deserted.
I light a cigarette and take a drag while cranking down the window, letting the smoke out.
Let the smoke represent my problems, and let them disolve into the air like if they never existed.
Let me be, let me drive along into the horizon towards infinity...

Fri vers av Gagge
Läst 313 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2008-06-06 01:19

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