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Jag är inte så säker på engelskan och jag har jobbat väldigt lite med rim, så det här känns oklart och konstigt. Vill gärna ha konstruktiv kritik och hjälp att utvecklas.

It's not okay [Halvfärdig text utan melodi]

There's the look again
Eye contact is cocaine
I know I only want more
And then she stands in the door
In a second she is there all over you
And looks like a freakin' princess too

So take your princess
So far away
Just leave me here
That's okay

I'll never tell you what I feel
My tears will never be your deal
Just want to stay with you a little longer
You've made me so much stronger
So don't hurt what's left of my heart
The only reminding human part

So take your princess
So far away
Just leave me here
That's okay

Oh no!
That's not okay
That's not okay
That's not okay

Fri vers av Mangetsu
Läst 407 gånger
Publicerad 2008-09-16 17:04

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